ISO 19650-2 Requirements and Responses
ISO 19650-2 identifies a series of resources and content required to fulfil the information management processes throughout the eight identified activities. This course introduces the various resources and content and how these are grouped to define the Appointing Party Information requirements and delivery team responses. the course is divided into 4 lessons which include:
Lesson 1 Resources and Content
An overview of resources and content as outlined in ISO 19650 Part 2: 2018
Lesson 2 Information Requirements
An overview of Requirements as outlined in ISO 19650 Part 2: 2018
Lesson 3 Pre-Appointment Implementation plans
An overview of the Tender response as outlined in ISO 19650 Part 2: 2018
Lesson 4 The implementation plan
An overview of the implementation plan for collaborative working
Components of the Common Data Environment
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